Musical De Tocht
Musical De Tocht
Production Designer: Luc Peumans
Technical Production Supply: Painting with Light
System supplier: Rent-All
Product used: Follow-Me 3D & Follow-Me Track-iT

© Follow-Me
Date: February 13, 2024
Great article in AV & Entertainment Magazine about the new Dutch musical, De Tocht!Â
With thanks to Production Designer Luc Peumans and his team at PWL – Painting with Light for entrusting Follow-Me Track-iT with this project. Follow-Me Track-iT was scaled up to a total of 30 anchors to cover the large performance area, insuring that performers were always perfectly lit whilst dealing intelligently with radio wave reflections caused by the ice track and video walls.
In this beautifully designed show the video walls move to change the size of the performance area and dividing this into two sections. Accurate placing of sufficient anchors allowed for performers to be fluently lit across the entire performance area at any time.
Speed skating in such an environment is best left to the professional performers who were safe in the knowledge that however fast they go, Follow-Me Track-iT will keep them in the spot light.